LWV of Weston Publications
The Weston League provides two publications about our town and how it works. Taken together, they provide residents with a who's who of town government and offer an overview of how Weston's annual town budgets are developed and approved.
Know Your Town Directory
The League’s Know Your Town Directory is a compendium of information about town offices and staff, elected and appointed town officials, the Weston schools, community and regional resources and services, state and national government representatives, and more. The Directory is occasionally printed and the online edition is updated periodically throughout the year.
View and/or download the current Know Your Town Directory
Guide to the Annual Town Budget Process
The League’s online-only Guide to the Annual Town Budget Process provides a step-by-step outline of how the town operating budget, the schools operating budget, and the combined capital improvement budgets are developed. Voters have opportunities for input during the process and a final say on each element of the total Annual Town Budget at the Annual Town Budget Meeting (ATBM) and referendum.
View and/or download the Guide to the Annual Budget Process