Our Town
The Town of Weston takes its character from the many generations that have cherished local democracy, broad-based citizen engagement, and a strong sense of community. Weston is governed by its Town Charter, which, along with town ordinances, determines how town affairs are administered. Weston also has a Town Plan of Conservation and Development that envisions how the town might evolve within the next decade.
Weston Town Charter
Weston is organized under a town charter and has a Board of Selectmen/Town Meeting form of government. Its open town meeting is a direct descendent of the democratic decision-making used in the New England colonies in which every eligible voter is a legislator. As embodied in its Charter, the town meeting and the Selectmen together are the legislative body of the town. Weston's first Town Charter was adopted by the voters in 1967 and has been amended five times, most recently in 2014.
Town Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD)
Effective July 1, 2020
Connecticut General Statutes require municipal planning commissions to prepare and adopt a plan of conservation and development once every ten years. Weston’s 2020 POCD describes and assesses current conditions in town; captures the values expressed by the community during the planning process; outlines a vision, goals, and objectives for Weston over the coming decade; and provides direction on how the Town can advance its objectives.